Apr. 04, 2008
It is going for a spinoff some time next year. It becomes quite interesting given current market price(around $9- $10). It has 3 segments. The mobile device, home networking, enterprise networking. Since it will spinoff the mobile device segment, let put the later two together and call it network segment. The network segment is running OK. Don't really need to put much time on it. Only the mobile device segment is in trouble.
1. Book value of MOT is around (15.4-4.5)/2.25 = $4.87
2. Around 2% annual dividend payment rate given current price.
3. In 2007, net loss for Mobile device segment is 1.2B. Subtract one time charge of 0.28B. it comes at 0.92B.
4. Share outstanding 2.25B. Current market price $9 - $10.
5. Mobile device revenue sale of 2007 compared with 2006. Decreased by 58m units.
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 28.4B 2.7B 217.4m $130.6 $12.4 980m 22%
2007 19.0B -0.92B 159.1m $119.4 -$5.8 1140m 14%
(ASP: Average Selling Price)
6. At the same period, Nokia sold 437m units in 2007 compared with 348m units in 2006. Increased by 89m units.
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 24.8B 4.1B 348m $71.2 $11.8 980m 36%
2007 25.0B 5.4B 437m $57.2 $12.4 1140m 38%
7. At the same period, Sony Ericsson sold 103.4m units compared with 74.8m units in 2006. A increase of 28.6m units. (Data in eu)
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 11B 1.3B 74.8m $146 $16.8 980m 7.6%
2007 12.9B 1.5B 103.4m $125 $14.9 1140m 9.0%
8. iPhone sales for 2007 is around 4m units.
9. In 2007, it lost more than 2 billion sales in China 2007. Around 40% drop from 2006. But this data includes network segment, the number of mobile device may even higher. (It market share might be 10.8% in China for 2007, down from 15.9% for 2006. )
10. Mobile device segment past earning data:
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ave
Income 0.48B 1.7B 2.2B 2.7B -0.9B
Per share 0.21 0.76 0.98 1.20 -0.41 0.55
11. Network segment past earning data:
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ave
Income 0.83 1.77B 2.05B 1.72B 1.9B
Per share 0.37 0.79 0.91 0.76 0.84 0.73
1. Everyone suffered ASP drop from 2006 to 2007. MOT by 8.6%, Nokia by 19.6%, Sony Ericsson by 14.4%. So ASP price drop is not a reason for bad performance. Actually MOT's drop is the smallest. This maybe is one of the real reason that they can't sell more. At lest in China, their higher price than Nokia make them lost contracts from China mobile etc.
2. iPhone should have some effect on MOT's sale since they are both aimed to higher end of users. However, Sony Ericsson's ASP is even higher than MOT's and they were doing great. Plus the iPhone volume is still very low yet. So competition from iPhone is not a excuse for bad performance of MOT. Also iPhone is only in the market for half year and is not selling in China yet.
3. One big reason of their current trouble is lack of new products. In this highly competitive and fast changing market it is a big mistake. It says they are preparing a new platform which delayed its new product time.
4. The network segment average earning is 0.73 pre share. Take 15 time as P/E ratio, it has a fair value of $10.95. Some how it is valuated at $8 in the market now.
5. The Mobile device segment in 2006, it is valuated around $17 pre share by the market. Now someone says it only worth $1 pre share. Others others say it worth $5 pre share. Take its average earning with 15 time PE ratio, it could worth 0.55x15 = $8.25.
If the Mobile device segment worth $5 a share. It is a bargain. However, to evaluate its value, I still have two questions in my mind: 1. Despite of no new product, is there a real reason hiding there for their big lose in 2007 that we don't know? 2. Is their trouble temporary or permanent? Hopefully more information will be available when the spinoff is officially announced.
It is going for a spinoff some time next year. It becomes quite interesting given current market price(around $9- $10). It has 3 segments. The mobile device, home networking, enterprise networking. Since it will spinoff the mobile device segment, let put the later two together and call it network segment. The network segment is running OK. Don't really need to put much time on it. Only the mobile device segment is in trouble.
1. Book value of MOT is around (15.4-4.5)/2.25 = $4.87
2. Around 2% annual dividend payment rate given current price.
3. In 2007, net loss for Mobile device segment is 1.2B. Subtract one time charge of 0.28B. it comes at 0.92B.
4. Share outstanding 2.25B. Current market price $9 - $10.
5. Mobile device revenue sale of 2007 compared with 2006. Decreased by 58m units.
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 28.4B 2.7B 217.4m $130.6 $12.4 980m 22%
2007 19.0B -0.92B 159.1m $119.4 -$5.8 1140m 14%
(ASP: Average Selling Price)
6. At the same period, Nokia sold 437m units in 2007 compared with 348m units in 2006. Increased by 89m units.
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 24.8B 4.1B 348m $71.2 $11.8 980m 36%
2007 25.0B 5.4B 437m $57.2 $12.4 1140m 38%
7. At the same period, Sony Ericsson sold 103.4m units compared with 74.8m units in 2006. A increase of 28.6m units. (Data in eu)
Year Revenue Income Units ASP Income/unit Total market Share
2006 11B 1.3B 74.8m $146 $16.8 980m 7.6%
2007 12.9B 1.5B 103.4m $125 $14.9 1140m 9.0%
8. iPhone sales for 2007 is around 4m units.
9. In 2007, it lost more than 2 billion sales in China 2007. Around 40% drop from 2006. But this data includes network segment, the number of mobile device may even higher. (It market share might be 10.8% in China for 2007, down from 15.9% for 2006. )
10. Mobile device segment past earning data:
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ave
Income 0.48B 1.7B 2.2B 2.7B -0.9B
Per share 0.21 0.76 0.98 1.20 -0.41 0.55
11. Network segment past earning data:
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Ave
Income 0.83 1.77B 2.05B 1.72B 1.9B
Per share 0.37 0.79 0.91 0.76 0.84 0.73
1. Everyone suffered ASP drop from 2006 to 2007. MOT by 8.6%, Nokia by 19.6%, Sony Ericsson by 14.4%. So ASP price drop is not a reason for bad performance. Actually MOT's drop is the smallest. This maybe is one of the real reason that they can't sell more. At lest in China, their higher price than Nokia make them lost contracts from China mobile etc.
2. iPhone should have some effect on MOT's sale since they are both aimed to higher end of users. However, Sony Ericsson's ASP is even higher than MOT's and they were doing great. Plus the iPhone volume is still very low yet. So competition from iPhone is not a excuse for bad performance of MOT. Also iPhone is only in the market for half year and is not selling in China yet.
3. One big reason of their current trouble is lack of new products. In this highly competitive and fast changing market it is a big mistake. It says they are preparing a new platform which delayed its new product time.
4. The network segment average earning is 0.73 pre share. Take 15 time as P/E ratio, it has a fair value of $10.95. Some how it is valuated at $8 in the market now.
5. The Mobile device segment in 2006, it is valuated around $17 pre share by the market. Now someone says it only worth $1 pre share. Others others say it worth $5 pre share. Take its average earning with 15 time PE ratio, it could worth 0.55x15 = $8.25.
If the Mobile device segment worth $5 a share. It is a bargain. However, to evaluate its value, I still have two questions in my mind: 1. Despite of no new product, is there a real reason hiding there for their big lose in 2007 that we don't know? 2. Is their trouble temporary or permanent? Hopefully more information will be available when the spinoff is officially announced.
作者:冯大刚 石… 文章来源:经济观察报 更新时间:2007-8-6 12:21:48
两周前,摩托罗拉刚公布了最新的连续第二季度亏损的财报。最引人注目的是,这家以手机闻名于世的公司的手机业务 收入比去年同期下滑了40%,该业务盈利从去年二季度的8.04亿美元变为亏损2.64亿美元。当季摩托罗拉的手机出货量仅为3550万部,首次将其市场 占有率方面亚军宝座让给了韩国三星电子(3740万部)。
在渠道方面,摩托罗拉并没有遭遇到三星那样突然更换代理商的动荡,但这家公司在中国最大的全国代理商之一中邮普 泰的内部人士对本报抱怨说,第二代锋利手机并没有取得预想中的成功。"消费者已经不像三年前那样一拥而上来抢购这些超薄手机了。"他说。2007年5月, 中邮普泰分别与诺基亚、摩托罗拉签订了未来一年25亿美元、23亿美元的手机订单。
与诺基亚相同,摩托罗拉在中国的渠道一直以来也以借助有实力的全国代理商为主。但依靠"国代"然后靠大代理商向 下分销的模式存在两个弊端,即成本过高(代理商靠"搬箱子"就能获得15%的利润)和无法深入中低端市场 (代理商大多集中在一二级城市)。这样的情况促使外资巨头们从2002年前后开始了自建渠道的赛跑。
在中国的手机渠道中,目前被公认为最有效的是FD(直控分销商)模式,即由厂商在特定区域建立运营平台,由运营 平台直接去发展这个区域内的分销模式。2003年诺基亚首推该模式并大获成功,随后摩托罗拉也复制了这一模式。更为激进的是,2006年前的7月,摩托罗 拉在中国上海推出了全球首家旗舰店,并宣布了耗资过亿的两年500家专卖店计划。
好消息是,这种店中店目前表现良好。8月2日,苏宁电器采购中心常务副总监王哲告诉本报,100家店中店现已建 设了二十六七家。他说,尽管摩托罗拉在苏宁手机整体销售中出现了下降 (由去年的24%降为今年的18%),"但在有'店中店'的旗舰店,这个比例能达到22%。"目前,苏宁渠道已经占到了摩托罗拉中国销售的10%,如果加 上国美则可占到20%。
I found an analysis (two parts) of MOT from a financial blog:
Part 1: http://www.peridotcapitalist.com/2008/03/are-motorola-shares-bargain-at-9-bucks.html Part 2: http://www.peridotcapitalist.com/2008/04/motorola-valuation-part-2.html Quinton
Apr. 9, 2008
The second part with the calculation is really good! I found I made a big mistake that not include tax in my calculation. Really thankful for this. Adjusted:
4. The network segment average earning is 0.73 pre share. Take 35% as tax rate and 15 time as P/E ratio, it has a fair value of $7.12. It is valuated at $8 in the market now which is quite fair to me. 5. The Mobile device segment average earning is 0.55. Take 35% as tax rate and 15 time as P/E ratio, it could worth $5.36. 6. Adding 4 and 5, it comes as a fair value of $12.48. A bargain price should be $7.49. I think they might never be that low. About this guy's calculation. He is using quite different way to calc to the value. Very interesting and inspiring.
I have checked his method. He is using Cash + Earning power to calc the value. I need to study more before I can tell his calc is better or not. But apparentally there is two item in his formula is quite questionable.
1. He is using current yearly revenue minus 5% as future revenue. I thought it would be more accurate to use average revenue in past years. It current yearly revenue is much lower than previous years. The formula tend to put a lower value on it by using this data. I found in a lot of case, the companies in trouble are getting higher revenue than previous years while income is down. If using this formula, it would be more likely be overvalued. A company might grow a lot within past several years. It is hard to estimate future revenue level. Might need do it case by case. At least in MOT's, I feel it should be better to use average revenue from past years. If it stay at its current revenue level, it might not be able to make any profit at all. 2. He is using half of the best profit margin to calc the earning. It definitely better to use average data. For example a company could have a average of 15% profit margin while the highest as 20%. Take half of the best it comes 10% which the company may never go that low. On the other side a company could make 20% profit margin in one year while all other years it might only seat at 5%. Use half of the best will come as 10%. It is inaccurate as well. If take my adjustment, its estimated revenue should be 19.38B. It is profit margin should be 5.58%. Using this formula it comes a fair value of $3.97. Plus the $8 he calculated, it comes a fair value of $11.97. Other thing is he is using 2313B as the dilute share number which is last year end data, while I am using current number which is 2250B. If the current data in his formula, it should comes as $12.23 as fair value. |
Mar. 10, 2011
At Jan. 2011 the spin off was done. The mobile segment now is Motorola Mobility Inc (NYSE:MMI) currently trading at $25.21. The network segment now is Motorola Solutions Inc.(NYSE:MSI) currently trading at $40.30.
The spin off is for every 8 share of original MOT, it gets one share of MMI. After that the MOT go through 1:7 reverse split in to MSI.
So current price for original holder is MSI/7 + MMI/8= $5.75 + $3.15 = $8.90.
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