Badger Daylighting Ltd(TSE:BAD)

Web Site
Google Finance

Nov. 9, 2015
2015 Q2 Data

1.Basic Information
(1) History

(2) Business related:

1) Around 50/50 revenue between Canada and US.  50% related to oil and gas and 50% is utility etc.
2) It builds its trucks by itself.

(3) Management.
CEO: Tor Wilson, he joined the company since 2000. He turned around the business and took it public.

(4) Debt and Credit facility.

(5) Insider holding, options, Insider trading info, share buy back.

(6) Employee numbers

(7) Auditor

(8) Industry comparison.

(9) Major events

2. Financial data.

3. Valuation

4. Risk
According to the BNN video, the CEO stated that less than 25% revenue is directly affected by low oil price and 25% is refinery and major plants related which is pretty stable.

5. Conclusion


Oct. 18, 2016
Suppose to publish the study last year but didn't finish it and the price gone up from $20 to $29 now.